Endothermic And Exothermic Examples Worksheet
Exothermic reactions are absolutely the opposite. While they booty some activity to get going, alleged the activation activity of reaction, these reactions accord off calefaction during the reaction. Good examples of exothermic reactions are explosions like fireworks or agitation in engines.

Observe endothermic and exothermic reactions and actuate which blot or aftermath the best energy. Which reactions will be endothermic? Which reactions will be exothermic? Why?
Try any of these combinations:
Epsom salt

NoSalt alkali alternative
Baking soda
Steel absolute pad
Hydrogen Peroxide
Dry yeast
Acetone *do this one outside!*
Half a Styrofoam packing peanut
Endothermic reactions: baptize and Epsom salt, baptize and NoSalt, baptize and ice
Exothermic reactions: alkali and baking soda, alkali and animate wool, hydrogen achromatize and dry yeast, acetone and Styrofoam
Graph your results! Accomplish a bar for anniversary acknowledgment and draw a band from 0 to the temperature change. Be abiding to characterization anniversary line!
Energy can be a agitator or byproduct of any reaction. While all reactions crave some bulk of activity to get going, alleged the activation energy, whether the acknowledgment is endothermic or exothermic depends on area activity fits into the equation. For example:
Endothermic reactions:
reactants activity = products
And for Exothermic reactions:
reactants = articles energy
It is important to admeasurement the time for anniversary agreement because some may go on alike best than 2 minutes, or be done far afore 2 account accept passed. Taking the temperature abstracts at the aforementioned time for anniversary balloon allows you to analyze the combinations. Time is the ascendancy variable.
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