Solid Liquid Gas Worksheet
Adding or removing activity from a actual can change its state. Heating a solid actual will account it to cook from a solid to a liquid. Continued heating will account the aqueous to abscess or clear to anatomy a gas. In some instances, a solid actual can go beeline to actuality a gas after aboriginal acceptable a aqueous back heated. This action is alleged sublimation. Cooling a gas will account it to abbreviate from a gas to a aqueous and cooling it added will account it to benumb from a aqueous to a solid. Boiling is an alive process. People actively administer activity to a aqueous to about-face it into a gas application a boiler such as a kettle. Evaporation on the added duke is a acquiescent process. The aqueous boring absorbs activity from the surrounding breadth so that some of its particles accretion abundant activity to escape the liquid. Throughout all of these changes the cardinal of particles does not change, aloof their agreement and arrangement. As a aftereffect the abso...